Wednesday 12 June 2013

10 (11) golden rules of my weight loss journey - according to clean eating.

I'm not a skinny type person. I was always a little bit too big. On the beginning of 2010 I've managed to loose 25 kilos through hard exercises regime but not a good diet. I've reached my ultimate goal weight which was 70 kilos.
I've managed also to sort out my levothyroxine dose as I'm diagnosed with Hashimoto disease which causes everything related with under active thyroid problems. Problems with loosing weight, mood changes, skin imperfections, hair loss, tiredness and anxiety. I've sorted everything out.

Later on miscarriage, pregnancy and all that hormones - I would like to blame them for me being overweight. But the truth is I didn't pay attention for what I was eating. All days alone, with oversensitive baby and demanding teenager, affected by the worst kind of postnatal depression I just eaten my emotions.

I've started my own experience with clean eating on 18/02/2013. I remember that day - 2 months just before my 40th birthday. I don't like the look of myself so I'm trying to avoid mirrors. This one in my bathroom is rather hard to avoid. Blah. Didn't recognize that girl that I used to be. I've checked my weight for the first time since I gave birth to my daughter in June 2012. 96,5 kilos. Shocking.

Clean eating is simple: eat lots of vegetables, mostly raw, some fruits - in moderation, lean meat like chicken breast, turkey breast, beef, fish, whole grains and pulses, eat fewer ingredients (simple food is the best) - read labels, lots of protein and the most important for me - have 5 small meals a day. Lots of water and green tea. No sugar, salt, alcohol, saturated fat. Sounds easy, just plain, simple food.

Clean 15 - the best fruits and vegetables for your diet.

So I've started. Got some ideas from some amazing Instagram accounts but mostly started to plan my meals according to clean eating rules.
From the date 18/02/2013 I've made a picture of every single thing I eat. I did it for 111 days. Lost 9,5 kilos so far and counting.

Through that journey I've learnt some things and I would like to share it here. I would like to notice that this is my own personal experience and works well for me. I'm not a dietician or nutritionist. Before you start any weight loss journey think what works well for you.

Rule no.1. Eat as clean as possible. But remember - 90% clean eating is still clean eating. Don't blame yourself for eating something not clean. It happens. But don't let it become a habit.

Rule no.2. Eat 5 meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Don't skip meals - it's not a good idea when you want to lose weight.

Rule no.3. Don't buy unhealthy food. Be proud of your shopping basket. Plan your shopping ahead and always have this little helper with you (I have it as a picture in my phone). No unhealthy things at home - no unhealthy snacks.

Rule no.4. Always take a little snack with you when on the go. It's the best way to avoid buying something naughty (or expensive!) when hunger strikes.

Rule no.5. Fill at least half of your plate with salad or vegetables. Leave the rest quarter for protein and good fats. Fiber in vegetables will fill your stomach and you will eat less calories.

Rule no.6. Try to cut down on gluten. You will probably feel less bloated and your mood will improve. Choose naturally gluten free foods or search for ''gluten free'' or ''free from'' range when shopping.

Rule no.7. If you are lucky enough and can find time to go to the gym or do any kind of activity - excellent! Do your best workouts as often as you want to. If you are not lucky enough (like me) - include walking to your daily routine. Walking has as many benefits as running and burns lots of calories too.

Rule no.8. Cut down on salt. Food itself contains some amount of salt and it's probably enough to our body to get daily intake of sodium. Use sea salt if you need to. Food tastes different (better) without adding salt. Just need to use to it.

Rule no.9. If you are really determined to loose weight try to replace one meal daily (I recommend dinner) by freshly squeezed vegetable juice. Try to do one day on juices only. It will improve your digestion, clear your organs and you will notice some weight loss next morning. It's not that hard as you think it is. I'm actually thinking of trying one day of fasting (only water and I consider one protein shake in the morning to avoid dizziness).

Rule no.10. Don't eat at least 4 hours before you go to bed. There's nothing worst than go to bed with full stomach.

There's rule no.11 - to mums only :) 
NEVER eat your kids leftovers. Whatever you feel about throwing away food to the bin - this is where it should end up. Your stomach is not a waste food container.

Please, feel free to comment and share your own experiences. Together we are strong :)

1 comment:

  1. I've been following your Instagraw for a while and I decided to visit your blog and well, you're incredible! I love your eatingclean journey and you are inspiring me with your every meal. Stay strong and fit :)
